Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What Kind of Cougar are you?

Before basketball season is completely over, I have to at least admit to my atypical obsession with BYU basketball.  I think I have watched more BYU basketball games (and football) in my first year of graduate school than I did in all 5 years combined of undergraduate work.  Can you blame me?  Jimmer scores 52 points in 1 game and beats the all time scoring record.  Emery beats the all time steals record.  The team was ranked 3rd in the country for a week.  I think the roots of my obsession started watching Julie play ball in middle and high school.  And I attended every home boys basketball game in high school thanks to the Rhythm Bs and our half time performances.
I can't deny it-I have found myself searching YouTube and ESPN for new videos about the Cougars or Jimmer.  I looked forward to waking up Monday after a Sunday night shift at the hospital to see the cougars new ranking.  After a terrible day at school, watching the "Teach me how to Jimmer" video made me laugh and snap out of it...  This is serious madness.  But it was a seriously great video on YouTube. 

Here are some favorites:

Let the true March Madness begin.  Best of luck to the cougars.


  1. Yay for the Cougars!! I love Jimmer!!

  2. I saw this today and thought of you...and the Jimmer :)

